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Reading Critically

Two concerns that every home-school parent should address in the area of literature are that 1) children must be exposed to a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction, and 2) they must learn to analyze and evaluate whatever they hear or read. Activities that require children to draw conclusions and support their opinions will make …

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Motivating Your Teenager

Frequently, students are willing to complete academic assignments without too much protest until becoming teenagers. As the work becomes more demanding, it’s likely that earning good grades or pleasing parents isn’t a good enough reason to wade through all that’s required. Frustrated, parents may urge students on with the “good jobs require a good education” …

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Minor Adjustments for Major Benefits: Using History to Teach Teens to Think

The high school years should include plenty of opportunities for teens to practice thinking critically. This doesn’t have to mean adding Thinking 101 as an elective, or even adding more books to those already in use. Instead, a simple adjustment can be made to the approach used to cover content in required courses such as …

Minor Adjustments for Major Benefits: Using History to Teach Teens to Think Read More »