Writing and Composition

Building More Specific Images in Compositions

Since it takes a number of skills to write an interesting, cohesive composition, daily writing assignments alone won’t necessarily result in better writing. As a consultant, I read samples of kids’ compositions and offer suggestions for practice in any weak area. One of the most common weaknesses seems to be the use of a very …

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Getting More Out of Writing Assignments

Originally Published: January/February 2007 Composition often finds itself at the bottom of the teacher’s “To Do” list, continually buried by other priorities. When it finally does make its way to the top, kids often find themselves writing quickly, turning in their first thoughts as the final draft. The paper is returned with notes about spelling …

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Developing a Writer — Part II

Originally Published: February 2003 Writing and thinking are intricately connected. Therefore, any activities that help children think analytically will ultimately contribute to the content of their compositions. Children can practice grouping things according to similarities and differences, classify a group of objects according to something they have in common, recognize the link in an analogy, …

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